Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Winter arrives and how do I get more iron in my diet

So winter arrived and as Jena put in a text message ‘it is all downhill from here’! Today was officially the first day when it was in minus figures for the whole of the day. I count that as the start of winter (walking to work in -7 was not what I would call Autumn). Well I now have a winter coat with a large BMW sign emblazoned across the back. If I can manage to upload any picture of me I will – it makes me look like I have put on twice my body weight and the only thing stopping you for believing that is the stick like legs that are sticking out the bottom of this gigantic coat. The kids in the orphanage think it is really cool which is a good sign and I am snug as a bug but I am yet to test it on the Kazakh winter.

Delivered a drugs awareness training session last week and yesterday and then the guys who I trained held a session in the college today for about 30 of their friends. I had to admit I was very impressed by them – my work is showing some reward which is very satisfying. Most of my efforts for this month will be working towards training people to deliver seminars and information about HIV and AIDS as well as coordinating World AIDS day here. The levels of knowledge even among the informed are not always great so there is quite a lot of groundwork to do in the next two weeks.

This week is half term so there are fewer kids in the orphanage but of those left there are only 3 older ones and so each day this week one of them is shadowing me to work rather than milling about back in the empty centre. This gives me translator for the day – or at least someone to turn my Russian into more understandable Russian when out and about – and it gives them the chance to do something unusual – like come to the Mayors office and work with me – and something productive – the boy today, after helping with the drug seminar then went on to design a new logo for drug awareness which I will try to get produced on the computer.

Finding it difficult to get up in the mornings and feeling quite tired most of the day. I think this is something to do with iron so what can I eat with iron?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

To be a upright charitable being is to from a kind of openness to the world, an skill to guardianship aleatory things beyond your own control, that can take you to be shattered in very exceptional circumstances for which you were not to blame. That says something uncommonly impressive about the prerequisite of the honest compulsion: that it is based on a trust in the uncertain and on a willingness to be exposed; it's based on being more like a weed than like a sparkler, something somewhat fragile, but whose extremely item attractiveness is inseparable from that fragility.

11:15 AM  

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